Here are some ideas for creating or gathering postcards to send yourself, or for a postcard party with friends and neighbors!
We have learned that the more personal the materials we send to lawmakers, the more likely they are to read and take note. With this in mind, we have suggestions for how you might create individualized postcards to get your message across most effectively.
Be creative, be polite, have fun and let legislators and legislative leaders know: regular people from all parts of PA really want redistricting reform.
Refer to the people pictured in the message on the back. For example:
Make a reference to your local area in your comments on the postcard. For Example:
Take screenshots from the maps on the PA Districts Maps page (open maps to get a larger view). Resize and print on photo paper then add your message on both map and back.
Use any of the previous ideas, use these messages on your own photos or map cards, or draw your own cards by hand and add messages on the back.
Start with your own legislators, even if they’re cosponsors. Then add State Government committee chairs and majority and minority leaders in both chambers (those leaders will be overseeing the mapping process and also serve as gatekeepers on possible reform). You can view a list of their names and addresses.
To qualify for standard postcard rates (currently 35 cents) a postcard must be:
Jumbo postcards require the same postage as a letter (currently 56 cents), or a Forever stamp and must be: